The design
This statement has considered the site and surroundings, the details of the proposal (materials, specification, scale, and location) and the planning policy relating to heritage assets, on both a national and local scale.
The size and scale of the proposal does not, in any way, stand out as an inappropriate or unduly feature. Instead aiming to be sympathetic to the surroundings and preserve and enhance the special character of the surrounding conservation area.
The proposals maintain the building in good repair and promote an attractive appearance promoting high street vitality.
Through the assessment of impact and significance it is considered that the proposed development will not affect the conservation interest detailed in the Grantham Conservation Area Appraisal and it will therefore not result in significant
harm. As a result, the proposed development is in alignment with policy requirements and is in line with guidance relating to the Grantham Conservation Area Appraisal, South Kesteven Core Strategy policies SP1, EN1 and E2 as well as NPPF section 2.
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